Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Yellowstone to Salt Lake City, 17th September

Another freezing night - left the heating on - nice!!!
Left Yellowstone at 7.15am - drove through pea soup fog for about 20kms.  Once we had left the National Park, the trees improved enormously, and there were many stunning patches of Autumn foliage to be seen along the way.  Still in mountains for a while, but finally emerged into a beautiful Valley in Idaho, which certainly looks like great farming country.  Still many large bales of grass hay awaiting collection, but many crops already in and being irrigated by enormous rows of moveable overhead sprinklers.  No water shortage here!!!

Still hundreds of acres of country seemingly left to the ravages of the ubiquitous Sagebrush, which would seem to be no good for either man or beast.  Go figure!!!

Many gorgeous fat, happy, red and black Angus doing their job - eating.  Not sure what they do with the cattle in Winter, whether they stable them, or put woolly boots on them!!!  Have asked a couple of the obviously "wrong" people, and haven't had an answer to that question!

It has struck us as amazing, that travelling in this situation - self-contained in our RV, you really have very little to do with the 'natives'.  Almost the only people you have contact with are check-out chicks, wait staff, National Park check-in staff (there are gates at ALL entrances and exits to National Parks, where you must show your pre-purchased admission card, AND photo ID), and RV Park check-in staff.     Probably just as well, as whenever I open my mouth, there are a few seconds of puzzled looks on the face of the addressee, and then they attempt to decipher what I'm saying!!!  All too hard!!!

We have learned to say Arrrrrthurrr - that seems to work!

Pretty much the whole drive to Salt Lake City was through beautiful towns and farming communities.  All good, prosperous Mormons obviously, as there are always Mormon Churches in even small villages, and often too, gleaming "Citadels", or whatever they call them, right next door, for the VERY good folk I'm told!

We've noticed another very odd thing........
Since we left Las Vegas, with the exception of one black family in Zion National Park, there have been literally NO black people on our travels.  Dozens of Chinese, Japanese, Mexicans, Indians, and of course hundreds of Germans and other Europeans, but no blacks...  What the???????

We insisted to our guide that we have absolutely no desire to go into town and look at the monstrous Mormon edifice, or hear the 'famous' choir sing hymns....    So, today, we have the morning off - brilliant.....  It really does get to be exhausting sitting in the van for 6 or 7 hours as we did yesterday, don't know how Arch is doing it...

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