Saturday, September 15, 2012

Evanston to Jackson, Wyoming. 13th September.

It was freezing cold overnight, and Arthur was up scrounging extra blankets to stop us shivering.  Finally put the heating on at about 6am - silly us - it's free......

Beautiful sunny morning.     This is a drive through small town America.

Trailer parks and homes are very popular in Evanston, it's obviously not a prosperous town, and some look as though they have been home for years.

Almost none of the houses, either on farms or in the small towns, have trees in their yards.  Very odd..
Lots of fat Angus cattle grazing here again too.

Today we head pretty much due North and crossed several state lines.  After leaving Wyoming we crossed back into Utah, then back to Wyoming, over to Idaho and finished up back in Wyoming!!

Town of Woodruff - in an expansive wide valley, but looked like very marginal farming country, not a lot of Sagebrush has been cleared.  Why?????  who knows?????

Just down the road, serious clearing of this junk flora has produced some brilliant cattle grazing country.  Still very small towns, and very large Mormon churches!!!

With the help of one of the staff, I have mastered the art of extracting coffee from a wall of "machines" in a service station-cum village today.  Reckon I've got it sorted now.  Have learned never to ask for "white coffee"  although the totally blank stares in response are vaguely amusing - once or twice anyway!

Moved on to a valley called Star Valley, which is a magnificent, very productive valley.  Higher than average rainfall and fertile soil paying dividends obviously.   Gorgeous fat Angus cattle (almost always Angus) and this time some sheep also - yay!!!  Still cutting and gathering grass hay too.  This is a really lovely place, and there's a stream meandering around the paddocks beside the road, which is blocked up here and there by very impressive Beaver dam walls!!!  Again Autumn foliage in full swing up on these hills too, gorgeous.

Drove into the smoke from a large "wild fire" as they're called here - saw a couple of helicopters filling up and flying off to drop their water on the fire.  It was very smokey, and the visibility was poor, but there was no wind, so we were not diverted from our route into town.  There didn't seem to be any danger to Jackson.

Athol, our tour leader, took us into town on the Shuttle Bus to have a look around - very prosperous town, as it's busy 12 months of the year.  Now in Summer and Autumn for hiking and camping, and it's a favourite skiing resort in Winter as well, so prices in shops are amazing.....

Set up camp, wandered up to the "Restaurant" on the premises, and had another god-awful meal.  Couldn't even get a drink!!!!

Bed.....   Cheers,

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