Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Great Falls, Montana. Tuesday 4th September

After having a wonderful week with June (in her lovely house) and Harvey, we said goodbye to Eastend - on another perfect day.

Had an amazing drive from Eastend to Great Falls on Monday.  Saw a little wildlife, some Elk, a Coyote, and even a Fox, but nary a Moose of course.

Drove through mile after mile of prairies - it was the Mallee/Wimmera on a VERY GRAND scale.  There are absolutely thousands of massive round bales of hay waiting to be collected, and on many of the farms there are actually areas of about 1 to 2 ACRES of hay bales stacked already, and usually three and four bales high.  Of course, they have long hard Winters ahead, and need to feed stock, but it's still mind boggling to see.

It was a Public Holiday on Monday, and that means - not that everything is open to cash in on the holidaymakers, but that everything is CLOSED...  Weird...  couldn't even get a coffee anywhere.

Had to enter the USA by road, and a seriously unfriendly young fella conducted his business, without the merest hint of a smile..  Gotta be wary of those nasty Canadians and Aussies!!!

Great hotel in Great Falls, lovely suite, and very comfortable bed.... It's not very convenient to restaurants or bars, but there is a small Brewery next door, which brews pretty average beer, and beside that a 'snack' shop which was pretty much out of business because their only cooking method - a grill - was dead;  the food on offer was odd, to say the least.   However, due to its close proximity to our digs, we suffered there for the evening!!!

Harvey had been anxious to see a Museum here in Great Falls, so we duly arrived at about 10am to discover a crowd of people there, all angrily discussing the Museum's failure to open, in spite of the Web Site assuring it was open, and a sign on the front door also declaring it open.  Phone calls here and there, and a poor seriously stressed woman offering lame excuses, all failed to open the Museum, so we wandered off.

June and Harvey departed for home shortly after, and Arthur and I prowled about the town for a couple of hours.  It's strangely empty, usually we were the only pedestrians for blocks, and the couple of stores we entered were also empty.  God knows how people make a living here, but the town is immaculately kept, the gardens are beautifully maintained, and there is no rubbish in the streets.

We made a visit to a local Optician to check out some weird goings-on in one of my eyes..  Having symptoms similar to Elaine a few weeks' ago, I panicked a bit.  However, just a bit of "stuff" has dislodged from my inner eyeball, and is floating around.  It will go soon hopefully, and does not need zapping.  Thankfully.

Arthur celebrated by taking me to KFC for our LAST EVER meal at one of those establishments!!!  OMG.     Serves me right - we were too lazy to walk 20 minutes for a meal....

Off to the bright lights of Vegas tomorrow......

Ann and Arthur

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