Friday, September 21, 2012

Arches National Park, Utah. 20th September.

Got up at 6.15, and on the road by 7am,. intent on getting out to the spectacular Arches National Park as close to Dawn as possible, to get the best photo's.

Brilliant.   Got some super shots, and were certainly there before the crowds arrived.

We were back in camp by about 1pm, having had breakfast somewhere out on the road.  Lovely day....
Caught up on a bit of lost sleep, and spent the afternoon doing not much!!!  Nice.....

Wandered out late afternoon to see what we could see..   Ended up in a small local Brewery, which also served meals.  Had a few beers/wines, and dinner.   VERY average meals and everything else, which cost us about $100.....  Definitely not value for money!!!

Dinner at camp is the way to go we think!

Another early start tomorrow, Friday, this time off to Canyonlands National Park.......

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