Saturday, September 15, 2012

Jackson, Wyoming, 14th September, 2012

Drove into the Grand Teton National Park today.

Smoke very thick, and visibility was still very poor.   Couldn't even see the very tall mountains in the Park.

Parked the van and did a couple of short walks, to the shore of a lovely lake, and drove through the countryside in this park.  Smoke did clear a bit, and we could see the mountains, but whilst they are impressive, nothing can compare with Bryce Canyon at this stage.

Athol left Arthur and I to our own devices, with the plan that we would take a boat road across to the other side of the lake, and do a couple of walks, however, it seems, the 'season' finished a week ago(!), so no boats today!!!  The smoke had cleared a bit, and it was a lovely sunny day, dozens of people around, and not a lot to do!!!

After sitting watching not much, we drove back into town, found a wonderful supermarket, and stocked up on goodies.

Had a couple of drinks with Athol and Diane, and Arch whipped up some spaghetti bolognaise, with meat balls.    Very good.

Off to Yellowstone tomorrow, and that promises to be spectacular!!!!

Cheers,  night all!!!!

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