Friday, September 7, 2012

Las Vegas - September 7th, 2012

Flew from Great Falls to Las Vegas, with a stop in Salt Lake City.  Much to my shame, I've never given much thought to the reason for Salt Lake City being so named!!!  On the flight from there to Las Vegas, the scenery was unbelievable - truly spectacular...  Thousands of acres of salt pan and endless layers of mountains and valleys as well;  the colours were incredible, and Artie and I were like kids at a movie, gawking out the window non-stop.  Then, we entered "The Valley", and again were totally surprised.   We really should get out more!

As you enter the terminal you are greeted by hundreds of Poker Machines and have to wind your way past players to get your luggage;  amazing.   And more amazing that there were so many people who thought they could back a winner there!!!

The Casino/Hotel we're staying at, prior to leaving on our RV adventure is called Sam's Town, and we both thought it would be a pretty insignificant establishment as it's quite a way out of town...

We were SO wrong!!!!  We reckon the whole shebang almost covers an entire city block, including a multi-storey carpark, and additional entertainment (and a park for RVs)....  Once again, the country cousins from Melbourne are in awe!!!

God knows how many rooms there are here, but the whole thing is built around a "garden" square, and there are 7 levels of hotel rooms (and 2 levels of Casino gaming).  Of course the whole thing has a glass roof, and there are shops and restaurants around the perimeter as well as inside.  All air-conditioned of course, thankfully.

I reckon at least 30% of the staff are "seniors", and they potter around, bringing drinks, waiting on tables, generally tidying up, and moving endless quantities of food around the buffets.  Always smiling - probably all on Prozac.......

Every available surface has gambling equipment of some sort on it - I went up to the bar to buy a drink, and there, on the front face of the counter, are lines of machines of some sort (all foreign to me), on which you can lose your money.    Needless to say, I resisted the temptation..

Arthur however, thought he had died and gone to heaven. He is walking around saying "Viva Las Vegas".  After we ate dinner, he settled down to play Black Jack, and I retired to the room to watch the US Open - stretched out on the King size bed!!

Arthur came home some time after I was asleep, and this morning said we should live in Las Vegas as it would cost us nothing...  His winnings would have paid for our Luxurious room and last night's meal;  believe it or not, he only won $65.   Everything is so cheap here - obviously subsidised by the gaming revenue.  There he goes again, Viva Las Vegas........   (His words not mine).   Thank God we're leaving tomorrow,and only have limited time here when we return!

We wandered across the road to the Wal-Mart this morning - incidentally, it's about 35 degrees here, and very humid - not nice......  As we're leaving civilisation tomorrow, I got hooked up to T-Mobile on the computer, and Artie had a haircut!  $15 - he was rapt.  We will be going shopping there tomorrow to stock up on supplies before we leave, so we had a bit of a reccy to find what was where.

Our tour guide turns up tonight, but we might put off meeting until breakfast tomorrow.


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