Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bryce Canyon to Evanston, Wyoming. 12th October

Miles and miles of lowish hills (by comparison) - high mountains gone for the time being....  Expansive valleys between these hills, and much irrigation going on at present.  Trying to get something to grow before the cold sets in.

Some of the grain crops have not yet been harvested - don't know why...  Lots of fat cattle grazing intently - not sure if they go to market by the time Winter comes, or if they're stabled.  Haven't asked the right people yet!  Not a sheep in sight at the moment.

The mountains in the distance seem lilac in colour, and the colour deepens to blue as you get closer!  The, right up close, they are in fact yellow, dry and parched!!!

A surprising amount of the country is covered in what looks like our Saltbush, and is in fact Sagebrush, same thing methinks.  Seems to lay waste to the land, but when cleared, produces very satisfactory grazing, cropping land...

Not a lot of money along this neck o' the woods it seems, lots of sad little houses perched here and there, and there's land advertised at $200 per acre.   Thanks, but no thanks...

Accommodation is advertised at $32 per night, including Wifi.  Thanks, but I'll pass on that too.

One large billboard along the freeway advertised a Gun Show, and proudly declared that there were free giveaways of guns and ammunition!!!  Will they never learn;  and this is deep in Mormon country - guess they're just as gun happy as the average Joe...  Speaking of Joe......

Almost next door to the above Billboard, was one advertising a Helpline for Polygamists.....   And next door to that was one for Dirty Joe's Adult Novelties and Gifts......  god, I love this country!!!

We bypassed Salt Lake City on this trip, but there are many new towns, all looking rather prosperous, lots of new, large, houses, beautiful tree-lined streets, and of course, enormous Mormon Churches!  For the first time, we did see a church of another denomination - small of course!!

Soon approached another amazing mountain range (they seem to be never-ending), and drove through a beautiful valley - deciduous trees are putting on their many-hued autumn finery and look spectacular.

Lots of road works, and this makes driving pretty challenging for Arthur - he did brilliantly however.

Getting close to Evanston is another lovely red rock valley - it seems to us that most of Utah consists of red rock.  These are substantially more worn down that Bryce Canyon though, probably by a few million years.

It's amazing to think that it took several hundred million years to compact this red desert sand into sandstone, and it's all going back to sand again!!

You know when you're driving through Indian owned country - the ugly hoardings are thick on the roadside - they're not subject to the same regulations that white fellas are, so they can change what they like, and advertise whatever!!!   Fireworks are big around here, and there are many stores on Indian land, selling these.

Stocked up at Walmart again - don't you just love Walmart!!!

Arrived at Evanston about 4.15pm.  Staying for one night only - it's a pit stop - there's nothing here!!!

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