Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday 21st March. Heathrow...

After having a brilliant time down in W. Sussex with Heather and John, and happily getting to see a lot of Susie and Jason and the kids,  Heather and John drove us up to Gatwick, just to make sure we left England, probably!!
Anyway, Fiona Beveridge was there to meet us, and we enjoyed a couple of days with her.  Happily her sister Rosamund and brother-in-law Robert were also able to spend time with, and we thoroughly enjoyed their company too.  Nice pubs in Edinburgh!!    Freezing cold and raining unfortunately, which meant our proposed walk to the top of Arthur's Seat had to be abandoned.  Thought we would go to the Museum, and we were pretty chuffed to find a park nearby...  Paid for parking, to find it was closed,  electricity outage apparently!!  Damn....
Fiona drove us down to Linlithgow, where Louise ( Scots lass who visited Oz recently) lives, with her folk on a very impressive Dairy Farm.  Great situation for their homestead, about a 5 minute walk to a great pub!!  So, had a few hours in the company of Fiona, Louise, and her parents, before Louise then bravely embarked on driving us to Inverary, where Maggie Campbell met us...  Poor Louise then had to drive home alone, and the weather was still awful.
So, then Maggie took us home to Lochgilphead, where we stayed for the next few days.  Still freezing of course, but we still managed to catch up with her two sons, their partners, and her two gorgeous little grand-daughters.  It is a beautiful part do the world, and the Lochs are really lovely, with many small villages dotted around their shores.
We managed to avoid cooking a meal whilst there, and took advantage of the never-ending supply of pubs nearby, all of which provide very adequate, if not brilliant, food.
Arthur came down with some sort of bug which laid him low for about 24 hours, and unfortunately Maggie followed suit today.....  She was definitely NOT well this morning, but insisted on driving  us to Glasgow go catch the plane to London....   Rang her later, and happily she survived the long drive home, but we felt really bad about ALLOWING her to drive us....
Cannot wait to get home now, have missed everybody, especially our wee girl Tessa, and so looking forward to a big hug, and a long chat with her!!
We've heard about the invisible man ( Ted) doing the disappearing act, and about Julia's brush with political death, but look forward to catching up on other important bits of gossip.

Be home soon......

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