Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday 8th March, London

Far too much wine - or possibly, just enough! and a couple of sleeping pills ensured I didn't lie awake all night thinking about things in Sydney...

Awoke to rain.......     Heavy, continuous rain.....
After doing some "admin" we headed off to find an underground station, and proceeded in the direction of the Natural History Museum.

What a stunning place - brilliant building, brilliant exhibits, and SO big....  so much to see.
Major downside was that the schools had obviously decided that this particular day was perfect to take their kids on an excursion!!!  They were all good kids, and very enthusiastic, but added to the crowds big-time.   Never mind, we had a great visit, and left weary and foot-sore.

Another tube ride to Harrods.    So many tourists gawping at "stuff" - as were we.  There was a definite frenzy of buying in the "foodie" areas, both to take away, and eat in, and the produce was of course spectacular.  We were tempted to buy some Australian Wagu Beer for a mere 178 Quid a kilo, but thought better of it!!!!

Did not see anybody actually purchasing in the other parts of the store, just "looking".  However, a handful of ugly middle eastern men had obviously been shopping, as they were lugging piles of Harrods bags up the High Street......

Got home about 3pm, dripping wet, and had a bit of a warm-up before heading out again........   Will report on that excursion later!!

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