Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday 2nd March, Bergen

Really low cloud over the Fjord this morning, but after a short snow shower, pretty quickly the cloud lifted and the sun came out - just like Melbourne in Spring!!
We wandered off to the Natural History Museum....   What to say????    The displays are like something out of the mid twentieth century, and there are SO many moth-eaten animals and birds on display, often in no particular order, that it is pretty awful really.  In one room, they were so short on space for housing their displays, they had plonked an enormous dugong above a display of various and sundry deer and elk....   There was a really ancient, sad little platypus, and the grottiest little Tasmanian Devil you have ever seen...  The Government would be better off injecting some of the funds they currently direct to the under-used and unwanted Churches, into their Museums.

Finally found a really good coffee, with a real Espresso Machine, and good cake.  The cafes often even have commercial sized coffee machines here which use the "pod" method of producing coffee;  very average...  We were even given a luke warm 'coffee' with a straw yesterday!!

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