Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday 10th March - London

Didn't lift our heads off the pillows until after 9am - absolutely worn out, and slept like logs.
Absolutely freezing again today, about 1 degree (not taking the wind chill into account), and very miserable.

However, we bravely ventured out again, stopping for another very nice late breakfast...

Walking again - thank god I spent a small fortune on brilliant (Ara) boots before I left Oz - have seen nothing as good anywhere we've been, and I have worn them EVERY day!

Anyway, as we've never made the effort on previous occasions in London, we made our way down to Buck House to pay Betty and Phil a visit;  rudely, they didn't even come out to ask us in, or acknowledge that we were there.  Betty might still be having tummy troubles!!!

Walked back into town, and over to our next adventure - a "flight" on the London Eye.  Happily this time there was no bomb scare, and happily too, we'd paid a bit extra for "go to the front of the queue" tickets, so that meant we were spared queueing in the freezing cold...  Really enjoyed the trip, the views were good, and it was WARM in there!

Walked up Northumberland Avenue where we'd stayed previously, and continued on into Trafalgar Square, and eventually home again.  Athur has such a good sense of direction that he really doesn't need the map much any more;  on more than one occasion (as usual) he has given directions to other tourists!!

Our small hotel is very quaint, very old-fashioned, and has the added bonus of rumbling a little as the trains in the tube go trundling along way below...   The staff are numerous and very formal, and I'm sure they wonder silently at these ghastly Aussies, going in and out in the same coats, hats and boots every day!!!  Not to mention, washing our 'smalls' in the bathroom, and hanging them on the heated towel rail!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    Well it was great reading about all your excursions around London. I am wishing for that "icey" cold you are experiencing. Hot, Hot again here today we have broken the record book for the highest temps ever recorded for Melbourne since temps were recorded - Wow! Loving the blog feel I am with you. Ive' sent you a few messages but I am not sure if I am doing the right thing as I tried something different this morning so hope you get this. Much love, Pen xxx
