Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Monday 11th March - Albourne, West Sussex

Left our hotel in London on Monday morning, to find it snowing.  Wow, we thought, that's exciting.
Missed our preferred train south (on the Gatwick/Brighton line), where Heather & John were to pick us up at Hassocks.  Not to worry, next train same deal....    So, off we go.....   About 30 minutes down the track, still snowing very heavily (!), the train slowed down and stopped.   Announcement.....   Somebody had apparently found life a bit too hard and had chosen to step in front of the train in front
of us, which was in fact the express train from London to Gatwick......  Very upset passengers.......  We're on the phone to Heather & John, keeping them posted.   Finally we are diverted to a place called Redhill, where the Jordans struggled to drive to - traffic already being chaotic.

Drove home to Albourne, all the while snowing heavily.  Snow increased in intensity all afternoon, and we sat inside watching Heather & John's garden turn white and disappear under a white blanket.  It was gorgeous.   Went to bed expecting it all to be 'normal' in the morning.....

This morning - Tuesday - woke to find about 6-8" of snow blanketing everything.  Beautiful, and took lots of photo's, but the news told us that the night had been disastrous for drivers and passengers on the motorways.....

John had just taken the "winter" tyres off the car, assuming there would be no more snow, so before we could leave today, Arthur and John had to replace them....  Too dangerous to be sliding around on the snow-covered road without proper tread on the tyres.

Went to the local village for some supplies, and to a nearby pub for a lovely lunch..  Very nice, and lovely snow covered scenery again - lots of photo's.

Took the dog for a nice long walk over hill and dale, through snow-covered fields, and, strangely, passed a couple of vineyards.  Apparently a very bad Summer last year saw NO wine production - expensive hobby for someone...

Lovely dinner at home, nice fire, early(ish) night.....    Has stopped snowing, should be a. It messy tomorrow, once the melting starts.

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