Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tuesday 2nd September, Stresa.

Beautiful sunny day, breakfast on the terrace - what's not to like about that??

Decided to spend the day going on a succession of ferries to various islands within the lake, and to other villages along the lake shore.   We enjoyed the day, but the other towns are not a patch on our lovely Stresa, and are (unhappily for them) largely empty of tourists,  although we did find "stuff" to buy on one of the islands - of course!!!

Didn't return to our hotel until late in the afternoon, by which time we were ready for a quiet time. Bought a couple of beers each from the bar downstairs, and enjoyed some time sitting in the sun on our balcony, reflecting on our good fortune!!!

Again visited a recommended restaurant for dinner, and had another magical meal of pasta....    Why is it never this good at home???

We've kept in touch with the family via Skype and it's good to see the girls, and talk to Tessa who is ever a fount of information.....  Wee Zoe is changing quickly every time we see her.

Caught up with a bit of Aussie news on line - reading The Age - don't seem to be missing much.....

Bed.....   Sleeeeeep.......

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