Sunday, September 7, 2014

Friday 5th to Sunday 7th - Verona

Uneventful train trip - again stopping in Milan for an hour or so,.

Needed to visit the loo (God knows why we didn't do it on the train!), and, as the public loos wanted to charge, we went on the hunt.   Turned up at McDonald's - who knew!!!!   Not only was it sparkling clean, it was free!   Have decided that if for some reason I must come to Italy to live, I'm going to buy the McDonald's franchise in the Milan Railway Station!!!!   Licence to print money methinks...

The train from Stresa to Milan and Milan to Verona were the only trains we've been on which were pretty much packed.  Also a very fast train, so rather than going nutty trying to look out the window at trees flashing by, I read a book.   Certainly helps to pass the time.

Convinced Arch that dragging suitcases along cobbled streets was NOT the way to go, so we hopped a taxi.   Great hotel, VERY close to all the action.   Very comfortable room - modern, sparkling bathroom, with a SHOWER.....   (and a separate enormous spa bath).    Absolutely no view from our room - neighbouring windows and balconies only - but bright and sunny room.

Once again we've walked our legs off - although this time with a bit more time spent in our air-conditioned room - very humid in Verona.. and we're wearing out a bit!

Food is good and bad - as usual.   The worst meal was when we were lazy and literally walked next door....    Bad as........   and very nasty, watered down wine...

Cannot believe how many Europeans smoke - and it's allowed - encouraged - at all restaurants.... Sitting outside, which everyone is at this time of year, it's impossible not to be covered in cigarette smoke - and as the table staff brush past, they smell as though they've just been outside for a fag too!

The ruins continue to fascinate, and I had absolutely NO preconceived ideas about Verona, so it's been a learning experience.     Hearing very few English speaking tourists - most seem to be European and there are bus loads of Japanese and Chinese tourists walking around following a "red" or "blue" flag, or umbrella...   Hey, I've been one of those - in Japan!!!!

Our hotel is about 5 minutes walk away from the famous "balcony" on which the totally fictitious Romeo & Juliet supposedly had a tryst....    Wall to wall tourists,  walls of love messages, and the usual padlocks mark the spot...    All part of the fun I guess.

Did manage, through a subscription, to gain access to live football, and watched the Essendon/North Melbourne match.   All good, except with about 2 minutes to go, the screen went black.   Could NOT regain access to the match, but all ended happily for Arthur....   Then he promptly went to sleep - totally stressed out!!

Then, this morning, we watched the first quarter of the Richmond/Port Adelaide game....   What a shocker.....  We were so appalled that we went off to have breakfast at 1/4 time (here), and when we returned the misery was all over - or maybe just continuing for some......

Will leave this for now, come back tomorrow.    We're off to the Opera tonight - Aida, performed outdoors in the amazing Verona Arena.......   Then early-ish train to Venice......


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