Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Saturday 30th August - Zermatt to St. Moritz.

Very long day - 8 hours on the train....
Brilliant train ride, and stunning scenery - miles of tunnels, dozens of amazing bridges, lakes, etc. etc....

Finally arrived at St. Moritz.   Had heard SO much about St. Moritz, it was one place we were absolutely hanging out to visit......

Fact is, there is nothing going on in St. Moritz....   Absolutely nothing......   No tourists, no life, basically a ghost town at the moment.....   Pretty sad actually, and talking to one of the hotel Managers, he confirmed that if there is no snow, and if the lake is not frozen properly - in Winter of course, there is nothing else to do in town.  No snow and/or ice means death to the town.....     So, we were pretty happy to leave after one night.....

Such a let-down after the gorgeous, lively town of Zermatt.

We did both finally sleep well - had not been sleeping - awake for hours every night, and having crazy dreams one after the other, and were not sure why.....   Finally it dawned on me that we had been under the influence of the very high altitude and brain oxygen deprivation - Googled, and sure enough, that was the explanation....  It was bizarre, and we were really tired, but unable to sleep.,,,

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