Monday, August 25, 2014

Sunday 24th August - Zurich to Lucerne

Think I've had my dates and days a bit out of sync.....   sorry.......

Quick train trip to Lucerne, and as we were travelling First Class (what else?) we again had the entire carriage to ourselves.

Couldn't access our room for a few hours, so dropped our suitcases and decided to explore Lucerne. Lovely smallish town, gorgeous river, sparkling clean water, old town walls, old wooden bridges dripping with flowers, walkways everywhere, and everything right on the Lake.  Once again, this town would be instantly interchangeable with any in Germany, and German is still the main language spoken here, although everyone seems to be able to speak about four languages as a matter of course!!

It's interesting to listen in to conversations, without understanding anything being said, but almost every time, there are English words which just pop in automatically it seems.  The one which amused me most has been the inclusion of 'Omigod', in the middle of peals of laughter, followed immediately by German again!!!  Some expressions just span all languages!

Hundreds of tourists in town, but they do seem to be mostly from within Europe, although a goodly number of Asians are here too, and not too many people to preclude eating wherever and whenever you want.  We are assured that this is the quiet season, so cannot imagine the crush when all the Winter visitors are in town.

Did some hand washing in the afternoon, and were again amused to note that the design of this particular hotel room (obviously deliberately) precludes the hanging of clothes - ANYWHERE!!! Discovered that knickers and socks hanging from coat hangers - dangling off a large ceiling-mounted light fitting - actually dry quite well overnight!  Thought we should put them in the wardrobe prior to the cleaner coming to do the room!

Restaurant downstairs has a Spanish Menu, so we had some delicious Tapas, followed by seafood Paella.  Far too much food for two people....   Spanish beer and wine really did us in too!!!

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