Sunday, August 24, 2014

Friday 23rd August - London/Zurich

Okay flight...  Thank goodness it was only 1hr 50mins.    Very squeezy!!!

Caught a train into town, and the hotel was just a 10 minute walk from railway station - Go my friend Bev!!!!!  But, being a bit tired, the hill did seem (at the time) much steeper!!!  Lovely big room, and a king size bed to die for....    Gorgeous feather mattress topper, and gorgeous light down duvet as well. Did give the bed a bit of a test late in the arvo - we had both wilted a bit and needed a bit of reinvigorating!!!   Hotel in a very quiet area, but really only a 5 minute walk to lots of life!!!

Did head out for a bit of investigating of Zurich, and the streetscape could actually be anywhere in Germany (in particular) or many other European countries!  Lovely little narrow, cobbled streets, and a cafe every 20 metres - all with outside tables of course.  Many people sitting outside, including us, but the evenings are definitely cool now - Autumn is here.    Had a nice dinner and then returned to our hotel for a night-cap.   Happened upon a young American couple just about to embark on a river cruise. VERY eye-opening to chat first hand with someone who lived in Chicago and whose career was as a Lobbyist......  Talk about entrenched fear of "big government" - his words....   This from someone who was in possession of his very first passport - needed for this tour!!!  Absolutely totally unaware of how the rest of the world might view their governments, and not really interested.  His wife had lived in London, and travelled a lot - and she was in rather strong disagreement with most of what he thought.   Wow - they would have interesting dinner table conversations!!   Would love to catch up in a few years' time to see whether anything had changed....

Saturday 24th August - Zurich.

We did venture out on Saturday, and did a fair bit of walking again, but did go easy today - seems to be a bit of cumulative tiredness invading our aging bodies.....
Had dinner at another street cafe (but inside because it was cold) - beautiful pasta dishes, but extraordinarily poor service...  Happily I had ordered a small carafe of wine, but Arthur was never approached to buy a second beer, so we wandered away and had an ice-cream for dessert on the run!! Would-be diners came and sat, waited, waited, and finally moved on....   Wonder who was managing the place - nobody was my guess!
Early-ish to bed.....

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