Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday 26th August - Lucerne to Interlaken 

Raining this morning - we had been warned!
Walked down to the train station, and boarded our nearly empty carriage - again!!!
Nice just-under two hour trip, but most of the views were unfortunately obscured by very low cloud and rain - damn.

When we could see across the Lake, we saw dozens of huge waterfalls cascading down the mountains and into the lake.   The lake water is a strange blue colour - like melt water from Glaciers.  Could the lake be filling with Glacial melt???

Arrived in Interlaken at about noon;  still pouring rain, so we fled to a nearby co-op (Supermarket) coffee shop to take refuge until it stopped.  Our hotel is mid-way between two bus stops, and really hardly worth dragging our suitcases in and out of a taxi, so after waiting for a break in the showers, we walked.

Arrived to find our room "is not ready" for about an hour and a half - of course....   So, included in the goodies given to us when we did register, was an unlimited (we thought) bus pass, to use as we pleased.  So, to while away a couple of hours (as it was still pouring), we thought we would get on one of those buses, and just while away the time, sightseeing....  We had a lovely time, the cloud was dropping and lifting with monotonous regularity;  the route was along the banks of the Lake, and the views were wonderful when cloud free; although it continued to rain.  After about 30 - 40 minutes of this lovely ride, the bus driver stopped (at a bus stop) and asked us where we were actually going?   We said, "nowhere in particular - wherever you're going".... He said, "this is as far as your ticket takes you - get off".....   So, we did!! SOB!!.    We were almost in the middle of nowhere, but there was shelter of sorts at the entrance to a cable car ride (which of course was being unused as there was no view, due to the low cloud!)....   Waited for about 20 minutes for a return bus to come, kinda hoping that the same bus driver would  be on board.  Luckily for him, he wasn't.....

Sitting in our room, typing this Blog, I have taken several photo's of the lovely mountain opposite - it's changing constantly with the clouds coming and going, and it finally seems to have stopped raining. Gorgeous.... cool, but not cold by any means.

This following bit of nonsense is for Bev and Daryl only - the Ukrainian Laundry Maid popped into our room to do the "smalls" today - it will be good to have some clean clothes again!!!!!

Just one night here, and an early start tomorrow - another train - this time to Montreux - should be a very picturesque journey.

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