Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday 27th August - Zermatt 

After a brief walk around the village this morning, we decided to take a trip to the "Top" - to Matterhorn Glacier Paradise" and which they assured us (jokingly?) was a trip to Italy!!!!

Our first leg was on a Gondola which took us up, via a couple of stops at which we did not alight - to a stop-off called Schwarzsee which was at an altitude of 2,583m.  This was heading much more directly in line with The Matterhorn, and we were again blown away by the scenery.  The weather was okay, but much more cloud about than yesterday.  Wherever we stopped "hikers" in proper gear, headed off in many directions, all to do some very difficult walks - taking into account the altitude. Would have loved to do more, but knew that it was going to kill me (us).   So we did some easy walks, and one down to another lovely lake which was like a mirror, and had dozens of tiny fish swimming about - like our "mosquito fish" - dunno whether they are the same...   Also dunno what they do when the lake freezes over - of course it could be VERY deep and not freeze totally.    We'll never know...

We resumed our journey upwards, and the very fact that this incredible feat of engineering exists was a constant wonder to us....   Up and over mountains, down valleys again, and always climbing so steeply....  Again awe-inspiring scenery in every direction.

Finally we left our Gondola and entered a much larger cable car for the final ascent to the top of the mountain which was called "Matterhorn Glacier Paradise"..

After going a kilometre or so, with our cable car being suspended between enormous steel pylons, we headed out into the abyss, the cars now being supported only by three enormous cables - nothing in between the last pylon and our destination...  It was so far away nobody on board could believe it......

We were travelling over glaciers in every direction - some with lovely clean tops, and others which seemed to have been dusted in dirt, and folded every which way, with large ravines within them.  We kept going up and over more mountains, and finally reached the top, to find hundreds of acres of pristine ski fields, and skiers (although not too many), coming and going all day.  We had seen skiers coming down the mountain carrying their skis, but as we hadn't seen any going up with us, we were totally unprepared for what awaited us.  There was even a tabboggan (sp?) run up there...  And, it was VERY cold at that elevation - 3,383 metres......  It even snowed briefly whilst we were standing outside - taking photo's - what else?  We had lunch inside, sitting at a window gazing at the scenery....

The Matterhorn itself is at an altitude of 4,478m.  SO happy to have seen it, and we were totally overwhelmed by what a stunning, totally unforgettable day we had just experienced.   This was not something which had been on our Agenda when we planned this trip, so it was a wonderful surprise.

We talked to Kirsten and Andrew via Skype this morning, and they and their families are all well.  Little Zoe still not crawling - it will happen!

Going out now for a drink and dinner, and early to bed again - we have an all-day train to catch tomorrow - going to St. Moritz.

Thursday 26th August - Montreaux to Zermatt.

Had a slowish start, didn't rush to catch the first train...

Over the next four hours or so we experienced more totally stunning scenery, for mile after mile.   Most of the journey was along an amazing valley, and this seems to be the food bowl of this part of Switzerland.   Crops of many varieties planted, and creeping up the mountainside as well - it seemed that not one square metre of arrable land was not growing - something....  There were also dozens of apple orchards, all heavily bearing fruit, and amazingly to me - most of the trees had been espaliered;  I guess it allows more productive trees to be planted per acre, and I imagine it would make harvesting the fruit much easier as well.  Wonder why we don't do it in Oz?

We finally arrived in Zermatt, and again, this town is fantastic, and the setting is amazing.  VERY international, very friendly, and no cars....   We were picked up from the train station by a wee electric car and delivered to our gorgeous (very Swiss) hotel...

We had planned tomorrow to take a ride up the mountain, on the longest/highest cog-wheel train in Europe - to look face-to-face (almost) with the Matterhorn, but decided to go today as there is so much to do here in such a short time....

So, off we went...   Again, stunning scenery - click, click, click - how many photo's are too many???

We arrived at the summit of "Gornergrat" which is at an elevation of 3136m - we thought possibly almost nose-bleed territory, but it was absolutely wonderful.  Arthur bravely walked down to a nearby lake, which was a breeze, but coming back up is SO much more difficult - the altitude makes breathing very different from sea level - really difficult to get enough oxygen into your lungs;  and as I could hear him breathing from far away, which was a bit alarming,  I thought he was going to have a heart attack!!!  I chickened out because I had done a slight 'down' walk earlier, and knew about coming back up!

We had been looking towards the Matterhorn on and off all day, and the cloud seems to wrap itself about the face of the mountain most of the time - coming and going a bit, but ever present.  So, finally, after watching two insane men arrive at the summit of a nearby VERY high mountain, and then appear to proceed down our side - disappearing somewhere in the mist, we decided to call it a day.

Eventually we dragged ourselves back down to Zermatt, in our sturdy little cog-wheel train, and wandered off to browse the shops and find somewhere to eat.    Was going to leave my camera at home, but decided to take it.....

Just as we were going off in the other direction, we gazed once more up at the summit of the Matterhorn, and there she was in all her glory, not only was there no cloud, but the late afternoon sun was shining on her face!!!!   Yay...   What a wonderful end to a magical day.....

Dinner, early to bed......

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wednesday 26th August - Interlaken to Montreux,

It stopped raining for a couple of hours last evening to allow us to finally walk about Interlaken and familiarise ourselves with the place.

There were dozens of Muslim families in town, literally dozens - in every restaurant, every hotel, every Designer Label shop, and they continued to pour in numbers from buses arriving in town late into the evening.  Most of the women were fully hidden behind black veils, with only their eyes visible....   God knows what they find so attractive about a holiday in Interlaken - they hadn't been in evidence in such great numbers anywhere else in Switzerland.  Their kids are all gorgeous, and I wondered how the soon-to-be-covered young girls felt about soon following Mum into invisibility!!

Anyway, we retired to our room after a particularly nice dinner, and reflected on all the gorgeous hotel rooms we have had in the past - of which this was not one!!!

Really heavy, lumpy doonas, hard mattresses and pillows that didn't seem to have much filling of any sort in them.   Slept for a few hours, and then woke up to a neighbouring church (or something) which had a clock-tower, and a clock which chimed every 15 minutes, and then a particularly exciting chime on the hour.....   Omigod......  We had the window open because the evening was actually very warm and humid...    That was our mistake - double glazed windows DO keep a lot of noise out!!!  Our fault.

This pub is undergoing renovations and will probably improve - very 1960ish at the moment.......

Anyway - to today - Wednesday.......

Woke to a slighter brighter day, although it had poured all night - very heavy rain...

Breakfast was also ordinary - no Bircher Muesli, no platters of fresh fruit, and sacre bleu - no toaster!!! To top it off, the coffee was also bad!!!

Anyway, off we went to the train station.   Boarded our very comfy train - again with 1st class reserved seats, and again the train was half empty.

The clouds cleared as we headed south, and it was a gorgeous sunny day, with spectacular views all the way to Montreaux.

Noticed along the way that the train announcements in multiple languages, which had ALWAYS begun with German, followed by French, now started with French..... and even sometimes included Spanish. Of course, being a lazy English speaker, we had always appreciated that every person to whom we spoke, prior to our arrival in Interlaken - spoke perfect English and was happy to do so.....  Now however, it was very different, and some folk seem barely have any English at all, and we were not in the position to explain that we were Aussies, not English - which we know from past experience, always helps with the French's English!!!!   Not for the first time I am SO sorry I didn't concentrate in French language classes at school!

What a truly lovely town, and probably the busiest town we've visited in Switzerland.  Obviously a few degrees warmer all year here too, as there are many vineyards planted on the hillsides - reminiscent of the vineyards planted along the Rhine;  nothing like this growing further north.

We left our luggage (as our room wasn't ready) and wandered off along the foreshore - right in front of our hotel, which incidentally, was directly across the road from the railway station.....  Well done Bev.

Lovely gentle scenes, small yachts sailing about on the lake, and many fat happy white swans bobbing about close to where the good tourist folk were having their lunch!!!  Arch and I had a bite to eat down on the waterfront too and then wandered upstairs to OUR hotel, to enjoy a beer in the bar, overlooking the water...  How nice, and how relaxing.....

Everybody was having a lovely day, and many passers-by were paying homage to Freddy Mercury - who's amazing likeness, cast in bronze, is pretty much right in front of our hotel.  Apparently Freddy called Montreaux home for years, and they remember him with affection!

I had had the wit to book a table for dinner upon arrival at the hotel, and when time came to eat, we discovered we had a table centre front, overlooking the spectacular Lake Geneva, and we got to sit there - at the most romantic restaurant table I have EVER sat, and enjoy a divine meal, great wine, and watch the stunning views as the sun set over the lake, and the lights of the villages across the lake came on....   Did not want to leave........

Decided that days don't get much better than this......

Retired to our room convinced that Montreaux is a place to which we could return....

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday 26th August - Lucerne to Interlaken 

Raining this morning - we had been warned!
Walked down to the train station, and boarded our nearly empty carriage - again!!!
Nice just-under two hour trip, but most of the views were unfortunately obscured by very low cloud and rain - damn.

When we could see across the Lake, we saw dozens of huge waterfalls cascading down the mountains and into the lake.   The lake water is a strange blue colour - like melt water from Glaciers.  Could the lake be filling with Glacial melt???

Arrived in Interlaken at about noon;  still pouring rain, so we fled to a nearby co-op (Supermarket) coffee shop to take refuge until it stopped.  Our hotel is mid-way between two bus stops, and really hardly worth dragging our suitcases in and out of a taxi, so after waiting for a break in the showers, we walked.

Arrived to find our room "is not ready" for about an hour and a half - of course....   So, included in the goodies given to us when we did register, was an unlimited (we thought) bus pass, to use as we pleased.  So, to while away a couple of hours (as it was still pouring), we thought we would get on one of those buses, and just while away the time, sightseeing....  We had a lovely time, the cloud was dropping and lifting with monotonous regularity;  the route was along the banks of the Lake, and the views were wonderful when cloud free; although it continued to rain.  After about 30 - 40 minutes of this lovely ride, the bus driver stopped (at a bus stop) and asked us where we were actually going?   We said, "nowhere in particular - wherever you're going".... He said, "this is as far as your ticket takes you - get off".....   So, we did!! SOB!!.    We were almost in the middle of nowhere, but there was shelter of sorts at the entrance to a cable car ride (which of course was being unused as there was no view, due to the low cloud!)....   Waited for about 20 minutes for a return bus to come, kinda hoping that the same bus driver would  be on board.  Luckily for him, he wasn't.....

Sitting in our room, typing this Blog, I have taken several photo's of the lovely mountain opposite - it's changing constantly with the clouds coming and going, and it finally seems to have stopped raining. Gorgeous.... cool, but not cold by any means.

This following bit of nonsense is for Bev and Daryl only - the Ukrainian Laundry Maid popped into our room to do the "smalls" today - it will be good to have some clean clothes again!!!!!

Just one night here, and an early start tomorrow - another train - this time to Montreux - should be a very picturesque journey.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday 25th August - Lucerne.

Caught an early ferry from Lucerne along the lake to a village at the end of the lake, past some magnificent scenery - of course!

We then got on a little Cogwheel train - apparently the steepest and longest in the world - and had a stunning ride up to Pilatus - a mountain some 6,900 feet high.    WOW....   The scenery was amazing, and the experience was unforgettable, and when we got to the top of the mountain, we stopped for an hour or so, just gazing in awe at what was before us.   In the near distance were snow-capped mountains, and between them and us, was a stunning, emerald-green valley, and closer to us more craggy, rocky hills.  There were (surprisingly) quite a lot of cows grazing below, and all have cow-bells around their necks, so there is a constant ringing of bells - which it seemed to our ears, are tuned to different notes...   Gorgeous......  God knows how the farmer would summon his girls home, but at least he would be able to hear where they were - perhaps they're trained to answer some sort of call which relates to the offer of food, and they obediently hurry down the mountain....

We then walked past the hotel which stands a hundred or so feet below the summit of the mountain, and there is a narrow path (fenced, happily) which runs a further kilometre or so along the mountain - called the flower trail.  Hundreds of small alpine loving flowering plants have been planted along this path, and it's truly lovely to walk the path.  Slightly differing views as you go along, and we just sat for about 20 minutes at one stage, trying to absorb the stunning outlook, convinced that we were totally alone at the top of the world.....

We were actually up IN the clouds for a while, and behind us the view was totally obscured by cloud.

Returned to sit in the warm, gazing at the views for a while, and then began the journey down the mountain.

Firstly we were jammed (25 or so)  into a large cable car for a short ride, before being transferred to our own cozy little gondolas (2 people per gondola) for the trip down to the bottom of the mountain. We'd timed our trip perfectly as it had begun to rain just as we reached the bottom, although it did stop shortly after.  When we emerged on Lower Earth(!) we realized just how cold it had been on the summit - suddenly the day seemed positively balmy!

I will try to download some photo's to include soon...........

Finally found some Lindt Chocolates which had not travelled half way around the world to me(!), and I plan to savour them - only one a day - I promise!!!!!

Sunday 24th August - Zurich to Lucerne

Think I've had my dates and days a bit out of sync.....   sorry.......

Quick train trip to Lucerne, and as we were travelling First Class (what else?) we again had the entire carriage to ourselves.

Couldn't access our room for a few hours, so dropped our suitcases and decided to explore Lucerne. Lovely smallish town, gorgeous river, sparkling clean water, old town walls, old wooden bridges dripping with flowers, walkways everywhere, and everything right on the Lake.  Once again, this town would be instantly interchangeable with any in Germany, and German is still the main language spoken here, although everyone seems to be able to speak about four languages as a matter of course!!

It's interesting to listen in to conversations, without understanding anything being said, but almost every time, there are English words which just pop in automatically it seems.  The one which amused me most has been the inclusion of 'Omigod', in the middle of peals of laughter, followed immediately by German again!!!  Some expressions just span all languages!

Hundreds of tourists in town, but they do seem to be mostly from within Europe, although a goodly number of Asians are here too, and not too many people to preclude eating wherever and whenever you want.  We are assured that this is the quiet season, so cannot imagine the crush when all the Winter visitors are in town.

Did some hand washing in the afternoon, and were again amused to note that the design of this particular hotel room (obviously deliberately) precludes the hanging of clothes - ANYWHERE!!! Discovered that knickers and socks hanging from coat hangers - dangling off a large ceiling-mounted light fitting - actually dry quite well overnight!  Thought we should put them in the wardrobe prior to the cleaner coming to do the room!

Restaurant downstairs has a Spanish Menu, so we had some delicious Tapas, followed by seafood Paella.  Far too much food for two people....   Spanish beer and wine really did us in too!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Friday 23rd August - London/Zurich

Okay flight...  Thank goodness it was only 1hr 50mins.    Very squeezy!!!

Caught a train into town, and the hotel was just a 10 minute walk from railway station - Go my friend Bev!!!!!  But, being a bit tired, the hill did seem (at the time) much steeper!!!  Lovely big room, and a king size bed to die for....    Gorgeous feather mattress topper, and gorgeous light down duvet as well. Did give the bed a bit of a test late in the arvo - we had both wilted a bit and needed a bit of reinvigorating!!!   Hotel in a very quiet area, but really only a 5 minute walk to lots of life!!!

Did head out for a bit of investigating of Zurich, and the streetscape could actually be anywhere in Germany (in particular) or many other European countries!  Lovely little narrow, cobbled streets, and a cafe every 20 metres - all with outside tables of course.  Many people sitting outside, including us, but the evenings are definitely cool now - Autumn is here.    Had a nice dinner and then returned to our hotel for a night-cap.   Happened upon a young American couple just about to embark on a river cruise. VERY eye-opening to chat first hand with someone who lived in Chicago and whose career was as a Lobbyist......  Talk about entrenched fear of "big government" - his words....   This from someone who was in possession of his very first passport - needed for this tour!!!  Absolutely totally unaware of how the rest of the world might view their governments, and not really interested.  His wife had lived in London, and travelled a lot - and she was in rather strong disagreement with most of what he thought.   Wow - they would have interesting dinner table conversations!!   Would love to catch up in a few years' time to see whether anything had changed....

Saturday 24th August - Zurich.

We did venture out on Saturday, and did a fair bit of walking again, but did go easy today - seems to be a bit of cumulative tiredness invading our aging bodies.....
Had dinner at another street cafe (but inside because it was cold) - beautiful pasta dishes, but extraordinarily poor service...  Happily I had ordered a small carafe of wine, but Arthur was never approached to buy a second beer, so we wandered away and had an ice-cream for dessert on the run!! Would-be diners came and sat, waited, waited, and finally moved on....   Wonder who was managing the place - nobody was my guess!
Early-ish to bed.....

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Wednesday 21st - Thursday 22nd August. - London

Susie had to work, so Jason brought the kids up to London at about lunch time.   SO good to see them, and the kids have grown so much - particularly Charley - she and Harry are now about the same height!   When they're bored, they tumble about, over each other, like a couple of puppies.........

We walked over the Millennium pedestrian bridge across the Thames to the South Bank;  it's still school holidays in England, and for Melbournians, it was like Moomba - mobs of people milling about - a queue a mile long for the London Eye, and everything else it seemed.  We stopped for a very average bite to eat, and continued along, and back over the River.  We then walked over past the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey and wound our way over to the Palace, hopefully to visit with Betty & Phil, or even one of their dogs.  However, there was nobody to be seen within the Palace gates other than the red-coated guards, and apparently as the Royal Standard was not on high, it meant 'she' was not at home!!!  So, after the kids had done with climbing on the statuary out the front, and posing for a couple of photo's, we headed back home to Northumberland Avenue.

The kids hadn't really wandered about London before, so it was nice to share the day with them.
Susie came over after work, and after a catch-up and a drink or two, we wandered off up The Strand to find a pub and some dinner.  Did manage to find one (there's a pub and/or restaurant at least every 20 metres!), and we all had several drinks.  The kids were fantastic, and were very late to bed!

On Thursday we headed off to catch a ferry down to Greenwich (for a quick coffee) and then down to the London Flood Barrier.  Weather still not brilliant, but it wasn't raining - rather a cold wind blowing out on the River though, so I did some of my sight-seeing from inside the ferry.  We got off the ferry at the stop before The Tower of London, and walked along through parts unknown...

Charley had been hankering for some Sushi, so we found a small restaurant/takeaway and bought some boxes of food.   Went outside, and sitting on a window-sill eating (as Londoners do), I looked up to see where we were, and was amused to see the lane was called Pudding Lane.  On drawing Susie's attention to the 'funny' name, she announced that this was in fact the street where the Great Fire of London had started in 1666, and on quizzing a fellow "luncher" nearby, he confirmed that it was true, and that the enormous monument we were sitting below was in fact constructed in memory of that fire, and there was also a plaque on a building nearby....  Amazing what one can happen upon in an old city, with so much history, as London;  even the Bowens had never been to Pudding Lane before.

We continued walking and got to The Tower of London, and were delighted to be able to see the tens of thousands of ceramic poppies being planted all over the (grassy) moat of the tower, in memory of all the victims of the First World War.  It is a splendid sight, and a really lovely memorial.... On one corner of the Castle Wall, it appears that 'blood' is pouring out of one of the gun turrets(?) onto the grass below. The planting began on August 8th and will continue until November 11th - Armistice Day.

We walked all the way home along the North side of the Thames - lovely to be able to look around without crowds of people, and the kids were again fantastic - not a word of complaint from either of them, and they must have been really knackered!!!

Once again a pub nearby fed and watered us, and we all felt we'd had a really lovely day.  Sadly all going our own way on Friday, and it will be some time before we catch up again....

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Saturday 16th August.  Lochgilphead

Drizzled all day, so entertained ourselves chatting and reading.  Maggie drove us a few kms out of town to another nice pub for dinner, and a wee dram or two.

Sunday 17th August.  Lochgilphead.

A friend of the Campbells had run his car off the road a few days ago - miraculously just missing plunging INTO a Loch, and carrying his 95 year old mother......   They both survived with not much more than cuts and bruises, but today was check-out-of-hospital day, so Maggie and we Leiths drove up to Oban to collect a visiting relative and drive her back to nearby Loch Sween.  A very pretty road, and Arthur appreciated being able to enjoy the view without keeping his eyes glued to the road.

Weather has cleared up, but still very cool...
We drove out to congratulate the newly engaged couple, Sandy and Eilidh (Gaelic - pronounced Aylee), who are very happy, but seem to be basically underwhelmed by their new status!!
Maggie again found us a lovely pub (with a view) and we enjoyed an excellent dinner...  Pub called the Horseshoe Inn, just out of Lochgilphead, and the food was truly amazing.    Scotland's food has SERIOUSLY improved over the last decade!!

We've loved our few days back in Lochgilphead, catching up with Maggie and her boys and their families. Not a lot - i.e. Nothing - has changed in town since we were there 18 months or so ago.   Not sure anything ever will really, but it is a very quaint and friendly village.

Monday 18th August, Lochgilphead/London

At the urging of the Campbells, we got an early start to drive over to Glasgow.  Gorgeous countryside again, miles and miles of driving beside lovely Lochs, with picturesque little all-white villages dotted along their shores.  Sunny morning and all looked lovely, but we couldn't help but think of Winter there!!!!!

Uneventful flight to London (Gatwick).

Jumped on the Gatwick Express to London, and were reminded that not ALL undergrounds have escalators up to street level.   Poor Arch nearly killed himself lugging our suitcases up MANY sets of stairs!!!  

Lovely to be back in Northumberland Avenue - really the centre of the world it seems!

We were given the keys to our apartment, and were horrified to discover that the two bedrooms (Susie and Jason and kids are coming to stay) are upstairs, and the one toilet is downstairs - of course - it's England!!!!!   And not only that, the access to the upstairs rooms is via a stunningly narrow and steep spiral staircase.   OMIGOD what were they thinking when they constructed this????

Almost had to call the emergency services to resuscitate Arch after he had dragged the cases UP yet more stairs.....

Wandered around, up The Strand, up and down alleyways - lovely fun.   Lovely to be back.....  Found a nearby Pub and had a good meal there too..

Tuesday 19th August.  London.

Being masters of the London underground et al, we headed off for our day visiting the Kew Gardens. Certainly, Kew (village) has some seriously lovely, large houses - albeit built snugly together.  Decided that the poor folk do NOT live there!!  The gardens are splendid - and LARGE.......    We walked for about 2 - 3 hours, and had reached the point of collapse.   So, deciding that some of the Gardens would have to remain "unseen" by us, we headed home for a couple of hours' R&R.
At about 6.45pm we headed out again, this time to the Shard, for our second attempt to view London from on high.  Yay......   Brilliant clear evening, and from our appointed time of 7.30pm we got to view a really lovely sunset, and continued to watch the lights come blinking on all over London..  We also saw the "suspension" section of Tower Bridge go up to allow a passenger ship to pass below...  Have never seen THAT before.....    Very happy little tourists left The Shard at about 9pm.
Dinner at an Italian restaurant in nearby Covent Garden - again very nice food!!!!   What's going on here???  The "waitress" who served us is actually the grand-daughter of the founder of the "Brown" chain of restaurants, and had lived in Melbourne for a few years.   We had a long chat, and in recognition of our 'shared' past, she gave us a dessert 'on the house'.....   Nice!!!!!

Slept the sleep of the dead.....   Did NOT move for about 9 hours!!!!  Again - Nice!!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Melbourne to Lochgilphead, via Linlithgow

Today - Saturday 16th August.

Uneventful flight over, but still not a fan of Emirates.....

Monday 11th - Picked up our car at Glasgow Airport and made our way out to Lilithgow - finally arrived at our destination, without TOO much fuss, and only a couple of wrong turns....

Had a wonderful couple of days with the Kennedys - friends of Fiona Beveridge - who kindly put us up at their splendid abode, which is attached to their equally splendid Dairy Farm.  Got a first hand look at their gorgeous "girls" (milkers, not human), saw how it all happens, and also got up close and personal with some of their wee calves.  Arthur had the extra unusual extra special experience of being spray-painted by one of the coos which had finished being milked and was now busy eating potatoes!!!   N.i.c.e.......       Did consider consigning said pants to the bin, but they came up okay with a hot wash!

Fiona also came over from Edinburgh, and we had a very nice day/evening with her too.  The Kennedys live within about 50 metres from a brilliant pub/restaurant, so we plodded over there for dinner.

We visited the VERY grand Hopetoun House in Linlithgow....  Built in the style of the newly-rich (at the time) who felt obliged to display their wealth....   Anyway, turns out that one particular Earl of the Manor was the first Governor of Victoria, and indeed, the first Governor General of Australia.   Bit embarrassed that we had to come over to the UK to learn this!!!  Anyway, it kinda explains the Linlithgow Avenue which runs by Government House in the middle of Melbourne's Botanic Gardens, and the plethora of "Hopetouns" around the state.

Also got to visit the ruin of Linlithgow Palace which was (most notably) the place of Mary Queen of Scots' birth.   Again, a vast "house" in a lovely setting, and no doubt they all lived there in splendid decay for centuries!

Wednesday 13th  We headed off to the village of Lochgilphead which is where cousin Maggie Campbell lives.   This drive should have been a doddle, but of course, again without a functioning map - my iPad was refusing to work - damn - we actually ended up quite a few miles out of our way, on the West Coast, at a town called Oban, which necessitated a drive through a VERY winding road, via a quaintly named town - Kilmelford.......  Dinner was at a nice pub a little way out of town...

Thursday 14th  Very quiet morning.  Lots to catch up on with Maggie, and a quiet start.  Arch and I headed off on foot to "do" Lochgilphead - and we did this in a short time.  Pretty quiet now - most of the holidaymakers have left, and the weather has been less than fabulous.  Very similar to that which we left at home - Melbourne's Winter!
Really good coffee and cake in a local "Bistro" for a light lunch, in preparation for a large meal in the evening.   We went out along the Loch to "Castle Sween" for dinner.    Maggie's Son Neil, and Daughter-in-law Judy and their two small girls joined us for dinner, as well as another lovely friend of Maggie's - Margaret, who lives occasionally on the "estate"..
This Castle is again not much more than a pile of rocks, but there is a hotel and holiday park there.   In the UK they are rather keen on allotting a few acres somewhere on the coast, and the good folk come along with their own portable demountable 'houses' and sit them there on this land, at a cost of a couple of thousand pounds per year.

A few years back, we came upon a similar such establishment, situated on a hideous beach on the mud flats along the Somerset coast - and which was unforgettably named "Surfer's Paradise".....  We still talk about it - obviously!!!

Friday 15th    Up bright and early, and drove out to Loch Sween where Maggie's son Sandy keeps his truly excellent RIB boat, in which he took us over to Northern Ireland - to Ballycastle - for the day!!!  Yee haa....   Wonderful day, and on arrival in Ireland, we caught a bus over to the Giants Causeway for a wee visit.  Truly spectacular...   Having seen photo's (of course), we sort-of knew what to expect, but it is most amazing, and being too mean to pay for a guided tour, I will have to Google to see the truth of the formation!   Maggie's friend from Oban, Fiona also came along for the ride, and we had a lovely day.   Everyone lined up for fish and chips to eat in the boat on the way back.   VERY choppy sea on the way home, and what took us 2 1/4 hours going over took just under 3 hours coming home.
Every nerve ending in our bodies was "jangling" after so much constant vibration.   At least now I don't have to say I haven't been to Ireland!

Saturday 15th     Woke up to the news that Maggie's son Sandy had proposed to his partner when he arrived home from his trip with us to Northern Ireland.    It must have been his observation of the wonderful union between Arthur and myself which gave him inspiration!!!

Weather very miserable today drizzle and more drizzle.    Still, it's only 10.30am and things might improve.  There is a "Fun and Games" happening on the foreshore from lunch time, and SO much work has been put into the preparation, I hope it goes off well.    Will leave blog here, and post more later....

Friday, August 1, 2014


Now in panic mode.  Endless lists of things to do in one week........