Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wednesday 20th Feb. Rovaniemi to Kakslauttanen Lapland

Early bus ride from Rovaniemi - heading north, deeper into Lapland.
It was again an absolutely stunning drive - about three hours, and Arthur and I sat up in the front seats behind the driver - prime viewing.  Wow.  Again, mind blowing scenery.  Continuous forest, dropping with their snowy finery frozen lakes, tiny cottages and big houses, all struggling to keep their heads above the powder snow which is VERY deep.  Absolutely unforgettable.
The gang on the tour are a pretty convivial lot - seem mostly to be from Sydney and a few less from Melbourne (Victoria).  Nobody from anywhere else in Oz, so a nice little lot.   Very interesting catching up with their life stories over a couple of glasses of something.  Some have many (5) marriages, some are married before (new) couples, and then there are old farts like Arch and myself.

Had a couple of hours of quiet time this afternoon - Arch snoozing, and me reading a book.  Good to just chill for a while.

We stayed in gorgeous little glass Igloos, set in the middle of a snow field.  Very pretty, and so warm and cosy.  The idea was that we could lie in our beds (which could be elevated) and watch the Northern Lights without having to go out into the cold night.  Sadly however, it was a cloudy night, so no lights to be seen, but it was still lovely being able to look up into the sky from our bed.

We had to walk about 10-15 minutes to a central building for dinner, all the path was lit by cute little lights, and there was a well-marked path through the very deep snow.  Seems to weird putting ALL our outside gear on to go out to dinner, but you wouldn't dare leave home without it - even for 5 minutes.

Dinner was okay, and just when we were winding down, there appeared a tranny, doing her mime act, very hilarious, and such a bad mime..  Next was a similar "lady" - this time Asian, and again doing a really bad mime act.  She went off, and was instantly back in a gorgeous slinky glittery bikini - Omigod....  Very overweight, and with a round fat belly.  Played sexy with Arthur, and he almost fainted.....

No internet, and no television, so no contact with the outside world.  BUT, there in the far-flung outpost, mobile phone signal was crystal clear, and perfect.  Amazing to think that when we're in down-town Tocumwal, we have to find a particular tree, and stand on our heads for 5 minutes, and then, if we're in luck, we can get a weak Telstra signal.    WTF?????

Slept brilliantly - seem to have our body clocks in tune......

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