Thursday, February 21, 2013

Monday 18th February, Helsinki to Rovaniemi

Boarded the train early in the morning for our trip north.    This was truly amazing.  Kilometre after kilometre of snow-covered landscape, and trees groaning and bending under the accumulated weight.

Lots of very small villages dotted along the way, and some quite large towns.  Wondering what these folk do???  All villages look well kept, neat, and, well, Finnish!!!  Very few animals to be seen, either there are none, or they are housed in barns....   Some poor horses however seemed to be standing around, rather bored, in their small pens, ankle deep in snow...  Not a lot of grazing to be had, but at least they did have coats on.   Still, it didn't look like fun.

Long train ride - TEN HOURS in all, so lots of wandering around being done by small groups and individuals, keen to become acquainted.  Arch and I couldn't be bothered, so just sat down, entertaining ourselves.  We had a few books to read, and Arthur played his games on my iPad, until he found the Sudoku too hard!

Sad little "dining" car on the train, bought a dry old muffin and a Pepsi, and that was lunch.......

As we approached the 'six hours on the train' time, the sky, having been very thick cloud, cleared, and a gorgeous blue sky ensured the low sun made everything golden.  Really beautiful.

Finally the sun set of course, and we finished the trip in darkness.

This was a brilliant trip, but we think we can now cross a "ten hours on a train" item off our Bucket List....

Arrived at about 8.30pm.  And checked into "Santa's Hotel".    Very nice...  However, our body clocks are still a bit haywire, so sleeping was not brilliant......

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