Sunday, August 26, 2012

Victoria BC, August 22nd to 25th, 2012

We've had a brilliant few days in Victoria, it's absolutely the loveliest town in Canada.  Our friends Joan and Norman Mogenson have ferried us to and fro' and chosen the best possible places for lunch and/or dinner.  We've tasted real country fare, truly excellent Vegetarian food, and slugged down freshly shucked oysters and Thai style soup.

Our hotel is right on the harbour and it's absolutely non-stop with water traffic.  Small sea-planes buzz down and up all day, there are tiny little water taxis which look for all the world like childrens' bath toys which seem to race all over the harbour in no particular pattern, one crazy "sailor" in a very small yacht who sails about randomly, deliberately attracting attention to himself, and then shouting at people who dare to take his photo!!!  Huge ferry boats which come up the coast from Seattle, small kayaks, canoes, "rubber duckies", very speedy whale watching boats, motor boats and yachts, and of course Seals and the ubiquitous Canada Geese which all complete the ever-changing harbour picture.  It's an incredibly interesting spectacle during the entire daylight hours.

The weather has been brilliant as well, about 20 degrees and sunny, with a breeze.  Although on Thursday it was VERY windy, and I could hear a voice saying that the wind was "strong enough to blow a dog off a chain" very clearly in my mind.  Maybe that was just too much wine!!

We're off to Calgary on Sunday, a day to ourselves, and then catching up with some other friends.

I was appalled to note that Essendon was again flogged, this time by Richmond, but was SO delighted that Collingwood was thrashed by Gold Coast that I almost didn't mind!!!  Would have loved to see Eddie's face at the end of the game!

Hope everybody's well and happy,  will be back on line soon!!!  So much to do, so little time.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the gorgeous Vancouver we remember. Hope you gave Joan and Norman our best wishes. Looking forward to hearing the next installment! Sorry about the footy...not!
    cheers, Helen & Bruce
