Wednesday, August 22, 2012


After a FOUR hour delay in Melbourne on Monday morning - n-i-c-e-, we finally took off. Of course we were going to miss our connecting flight to Vancouver, but after a phone call to our wonder-woman friend, Bev, she booked us on to the next available flight from Los Angeles to Vancouver. However, we still had a wait of about 2 1/2 hours at the airport in L.A. Anyone who has ever been caught at LAX will know what a s...hole it is. So, that was fun - actually trying to remain vertical whilst waiting for the flight was a challenge in itself. Having finally boarded the plane, we were both practically catatonic for the entire flight. Made it eventually, to a lovely warm late-Summer evening in Vancouver. Dinner and far too much wine at a restaurant near our hotel followed..... Slightly fitful sleep, and woke at about 9am. Walked for hours as usual, and came home for a bit of R&R in the late morning. Set out again mid afternoon and walked miles again. Came upon the saddest part of Vancouver - had never seen it before..... Drug Town...... OMIGOD. Block after block of druggies spread over the footpaths, some vertical, many not. Drug deals going on left, right and centre, sad and filthy pubs and eating houses, beggars every 20 metres, and the dregs of Chinatown. Walking felt very uncomfortable and we couldn't wait to be out of there.

Of course, not two blocks away, the city changed, and we found ourselves in Gastown, lovely restaurants and shops, and very nice surroundings. Had a lovely meal, and, being locals already, after less than 36 hours(!), we caught the train home. We've got this city sorted....

Half a day more in Vancouver, and then off to Victoria (Vancouver Island) on the ferry. This is a lovely trip, so we're really looking forward to it. Hope the weather holds - we've been told it's going to deteriorate in the next couple of days!

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