Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wednesday 29th August - Cardston, Alberta

My computer hates me this trip, I have already typed and "saved" a post from Calgary, but it too has gone, like all the emails I have tried to send.....

Calgary, what to say.....   Closed on Sunday, everything except a few bars/pubs, and a few restaurants which opened later in the day for dinner.

There is quite a nice long "mall" which is a street which is closed to all traffic during the day and early evening.  Lots of tables and chairs out in the street, and hundreds of blooming flower pots make it rather nice.   The weather has been brilliant, every day sunny and dry.

We went for a long walk and found ourselves - again - confronted by a collection of drug users, and a clinic into which they seemed to come and go.  Queues of people lining up for free clothing?  Seemed odd to us.  Elderly people, many Chinese, comb the streets' rubbish bins collecting bottles and cans which can be recycled.  Very sad, but I guess a sign of the times.

Generally not a lot to recommend Calgary, although it seems on the surface, to be fairly prosperous.

Tuesday Morning saw us being picked up by Harvey and June, our friends from Sasketchewan.

We had a lovely drive, mostly through very flat countryside, but typical late summer, lots of crops still to be harvested, and thousands of large rolls of hay bailed and waiting for collection.
We found ourselves in a very small town called Macleod on Tuesday night, and booked into an amazingly ugly and basic motel - absolutely a replica to those you see depicted in bad American movies......  However, the sheets were clean, and we didn't have a lot of choice!! 

We sat out in the carpark having a pre-dinner drink - hilarious.  This was followed by excellent pizza in the local 'joint' up the road - very surprising, and much enjoyed.

What an amazing day...  We drove through mile after mile of farming land, upon which there are literally hundreds of wind turbines....  In the distance there were amazing mountains appearing - actually a continuation of the Canadian Rockies, but by now very close to the border between Alberta and Montana.

Every turn we took was more amazing than the last, and we were absolutely in awe of what was before us.  We entered a National Park called Waterton National Park, and this was truly spectacular; a beautiful lake, with, of course, an amazing hotel at the uppermost point - looking directly down the lake.  The surrounding mountains were fantastic, and we couldn't stop exclaiming!!!!!  We did a walk right along one side of the lake, stopping eventually at an area which has been allowed to go totally wild, and which is designated "bear country"!!!  It also serves as an unofficial barrier to the American border which is about 200 metres away - no doubt would-be illegals might give some serious thought to entering the USA via Grizzly bear country!!!

We reluctantly left Waterton and drove on, out of the mountains.  This is definitely Mormon country,  there are churches everywhere, and most of the farms are owned by Mormons for miles around.  Odd to think that this settlement is so exclusively settled by people of one religion....

We are spending the night in the town of Cardston, which is most definitely a major Mormon town.  As well as at least two "normal" Mormon churches in town, there is a monstrous citadel, or whatever, right on top of the hill - obviously ousted the Catholics here - and it's seriously a 'dry' town!!!

Had dinner at the local Chinese restaurant, and against the advice of locals, ordered four dishes for four people.  OMG - there really was enough food for at least eight people put on the table, and we were appalled.  We took the leftovers away with us, and have a car fridge with us, so that will be lunch tomorrow.  The entire meal cost us about CAD$50........  No alcohol of course, so that always keeps things nice!

Hope everyone's fit and well, we are having a wonderful time, and Harvey and June have shown us so much, we cannot believe it, and are so indebted to them.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Victoria BC, August 22nd to 25th, 2012

We've had a brilliant few days in Victoria, it's absolutely the loveliest town in Canada.  Our friends Joan and Norman Mogenson have ferried us to and fro' and chosen the best possible places for lunch and/or dinner.  We've tasted real country fare, truly excellent Vegetarian food, and slugged down freshly shucked oysters and Thai style soup.

Our hotel is right on the harbour and it's absolutely non-stop with water traffic.  Small sea-planes buzz down and up all day, there are tiny little water taxis which look for all the world like childrens' bath toys which seem to race all over the harbour in no particular pattern, one crazy "sailor" in a very small yacht who sails about randomly, deliberately attracting attention to himself, and then shouting at people who dare to take his photo!!!  Huge ferry boats which come up the coast from Seattle, small kayaks, canoes, "rubber duckies", very speedy whale watching boats, motor boats and yachts, and of course Seals and the ubiquitous Canada Geese which all complete the ever-changing harbour picture.  It's an incredibly interesting spectacle during the entire daylight hours.

The weather has been brilliant as well, about 20 degrees and sunny, with a breeze.  Although on Thursday it was VERY windy, and I could hear a voice saying that the wind was "strong enough to blow a dog off a chain" very clearly in my mind.  Maybe that was just too much wine!!

We're off to Calgary on Sunday, a day to ourselves, and then catching up with some other friends.

I was appalled to note that Essendon was again flogged, this time by Richmond, but was SO delighted that Collingwood was thrashed by Gold Coast that I almost didn't mind!!!  Would have loved to see Eddie's face at the end of the game!

Hope everybody's well and happy,  will be back on line soon!!!  So much to do, so little time.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Victoria, BC. Thursday 23rd

Yesterday afternoon we had a lovely voyage over from Vancouver on the Ferry - about 1 1/2 hours long;  reasonably calm weather, although windy.  Lots to see - many small yachts and fishing boats, and the trip takes you past many small islands.

Delivered to our hotel, and after a minor drama (my backpack containing my camera was NOT unloaded from the taxi), we got ourselves organised.  Wandered along the waterfront for a much lauded Fish & Chip meal.  Not bad, but pretty cold sitting outside on the wharf, and not a glass of wine to warm ourselves with - designated family area, so no booze.

Came back to the pub, and found a nice little bar, sat for about an hour, went upstairs to bed and literally died I think.  Slept for about 11 hours - magnificent.  We feel human again.

Joan and Norman (our friends) picked us up late morning and we spent the day sight-seeing with them, included was a stopover at a Marina which was inhabited with a couple of really curious Seals, and one brilliant Otter.  We bought small fish heads to throw to the seals and otter, but a couple of large gulls got in on the act...  Not appreciated by the otter, he bobbed up under the gull and bit his bum!!!  Took off like greased lightning - hilarious.

Went to a favourite Vegetarian restaurant (of Norman), and had an excellent meal, not a piece of meat in sight.  There was salmon on the menu, but not a lot else in the way of animal protein.

Early night again.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


After a FOUR hour delay in Melbourne on Monday morning - n-i-c-e-, we finally took off. Of course we were going to miss our connecting flight to Vancouver, but after a phone call to our wonder-woman friend, Bev, she booked us on to the next available flight from Los Angeles to Vancouver. However, we still had a wait of about 2 1/2 hours at the airport in L.A. Anyone who has ever been caught at LAX will know what a s...hole it is. So, that was fun - actually trying to remain vertical whilst waiting for the flight was a challenge in itself. Having finally boarded the plane, we were both practically catatonic for the entire flight. Made it eventually, to a lovely warm late-Summer evening in Vancouver. Dinner and far too much wine at a restaurant near our hotel followed..... Slightly fitful sleep, and woke at about 9am. Walked for hours as usual, and came home for a bit of R&R in the late morning. Set out again mid afternoon and walked miles again. Came upon the saddest part of Vancouver - had never seen it before..... Drug Town...... OMIGOD. Block after block of druggies spread over the footpaths, some vertical, many not. Drug deals going on left, right and centre, sad and filthy pubs and eating houses, beggars every 20 metres, and the dregs of Chinatown. Walking felt very uncomfortable and we couldn't wait to be out of there.

Of course, not two blocks away, the city changed, and we found ourselves in Gastown, lovely restaurants and shops, and very nice surroundings. Had a lovely meal, and, being locals already, after less than 36 hours(!), we caught the train home. We've got this city sorted....

Half a day more in Vancouver, and then off to Victoria (Vancouver Island) on the ferry. This is a lovely trip, so we're really looking forward to it. Hope the weather holds - we've been told it's going to deteriorate in the next couple of days!