Saturday, October 6, 2012

Long Beach, Wednesday 3rd - 7th October (I think)

Last night in Las Vegas we went to a show - Absinthe - absolutely brilliant.   VERY politically INCORRECT, but hilarious.  It was basically a show of incredible acrobats doing the most amazing things with their bodies, which were basically their only props!!!  Chairs piled randomly in frightening shapes, onto which these athletes climbed and balanced, occasionally came into play!!!    The "ringmaster" and his "assistant" were hilarious, and their patter was shocking at times (for it's political incorrectness) - not sure you would get away with that in "liberal" Oz!!!!  I guess anything goes in Vegas!

Uneventful flight from Vegas....  Thank god that's over!!!  Arthur would go back in a minute, so I need to find him a gambling partner with whom to go!!!!  It will be a very cold day in hell before I return!!

Hotel is pretty much right amongst the action here - close to the beach, and one block from a street which is full of restaurants.  Surprisingly, we had a brilliant Greek meal here on our first day - totally unexpected....  And, got a real Greek Coffee too - yee haa.........

We caught a bus for a longish ride out to a major shopping Mall.  Arthur once again, had a ball, and shopped like a girl!!!  Prices are really so low, it's hard to resist...  Not much for me to buy, but got some cute things for Tessa!!

Days are sunny, but with a lovely cool breeze coming off the Pacific Ocean.  So nice to be able to go outside without threat of physically melting down!!

There's a Marathon here tomorrow (Sunday), so all the roads will be closed for the day, and the village is abuzz.

Definitely winding down, sleeping like logs, and thoroughly enjoying the ability to sneak off for an afternoon nap too.   Oldies DO sleep more (I hear)......

Anyway, that's it for me (us).

It's been a truly memorable holiday, and we've loved it.  This country is so geographically beautiful, and we have barely stopped gasping at the amazing sights.

We'll be home in the blink of an eye, and looking forward to catching up with everyone.


Ann and Arthur

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